Category Archives: Life

Blog entries about my life

Horrors, Amazing Race and Birthdays 10.21.2012

I am currently watching (mostly listening) to Amazing Race. It’s an okay episode so far. Not a fan of the rat parts of the episode but whatever. I had a great time at Six Flags yesterday. We went late because my dad and brother decided to take their sweet time getting ready. Ugh. We got there at 7:30pm, got into the park at 8, got in the season pass line to take pics and get our season passes and got out of the line at 8:15. After that, my bro and I waited in a 2-hour line to ride the Superman. I’ve always loved that rollercoaster ever since I first rode it and I still love it. Then we walked towards Skull Mountain so we could ride that. Mom usually rides it with us but she wasn’t in the mood to since we got there so late. Well on the way there, a woman dressed as a vampire (she’s part of Six Flags staff) followed me for about 2 minutes and I was silently freaking out until she went away. I then bought a Supergirl cape and we continued on our way to Skull Mountain…that is until a guy with a chainsaw (also part of staff) came out of nowhere skipping and swinging the chainsaw. Let me tell you. I had the speed of Supergirl as I ran away from him. He wasn’t exactly chasing me or anybody but still…I NEVER play around with a dude that has a chainsaw. Never.

After he was away from sight, dad and D were so amused that they decided to stand around and watched everyone get scared. I was ready to get on Skull Mountain. Then this dead George Washington was following me. I was ready to get on my desired ride and go. So we found Skull Mountain and me and D got on it. We had fun as always. Then we head home at the time of 11 but didn’t get home til 1am because of traffic. So yeah. Pretty fun and adventurous night.

Today is mom’s birthday. Yay!! We had brunch at 11 this morning and that ended at 1. Then we came home and watched Avengers with my grandma, grandpa and aunt Nicole. They loved it. Then dad took me and mom to Home Depot (we didn’t want to go in but he made us) and Coldstone. Coldstone was very crowded so we didn’t get it. We got dinner from Church’s and no desert from Coldstone. It’s okay though. We’re getting it tomorrow. Well I’m gonna go. Good Wife is on now and I wanna watch it. Happy blogging and have a nice evening ๐Ÿ™‚

*~*Your Chaosity Queen*~*

Can’t Wait!!! 10.20.2012

It is 12:10 in the morning. I should be sleep but I’m too excited to go to sleep. I’m going to Six Flags Fright Fest in a few hours!!! I love Six Flags and I haven’t been since 11th grade. I never got to ride the Bizarro because on my way to ride it, it started raining and the park closed early so I had to leave before I can ride it. But now I am determined to ride it and Skyscreamer. All Skyscreamer is is just the swings but you go really high. Usually I would be afraid of that but I’m actually excited. We’ll see how that goes when I get there. I’m so excited I can’t contain myself. I just love Six Flags. I should wear tight pants so that nothing falls out of my pockets. Or I can just bring my bag or something. I’m making mom get on the Superman. She has yet to experience it and I want her to. That is the most amazing rollercoaster I have ever experienced. Well I’m gonna go now. I need some sleep so I won’t be tired in the morning when we go. Can’t wait!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ I better go calm myself. I shall write again soon.

Happy blogging and have a beautiful weekend!!
*~*Your Chaosity Queen*~*

Family Meetings and Lifetime Movies 10.7.2012

It’s 2:30 in the morning while I’m typing this. I didn’t have time to write about yesterday (the 6th) even though it was here 2 and a half hours ago. So I’m writing about it now. Wespent the entire day cleaning the house for our family meeting. We pretty much cleaned until people started coming, which was around 5:30, 6pm. I’m not sure yet. I was so tired after cleaning, I did some major sitting.

The family meetings that occur on Saturday each month is about the family reunion in my hometown for my mom’s side of the family. The meetings are cool. Pretty funny when they get a little rowdy. Everyone worked well today coming up with ideas. I helped out too. They wanted someone else to do the cooking for the fish fry we’re having to make money for our family reunion and I suggested my boss could do it. Even though she closed the restaurant, she does catering and cakes still. It felt great to help out. And we’re having the bowling party. Yay!! ๐Ÿ˜€ I love bowling and I haven’t gone in almost….forever. So you know I’m excited about this one.

After the meeting was adjourned and everyone that did not live in our house left, my parents and I were watching this movie on Lifetime about a girl named Carlina White who got kidnapped 19 days after her birth. It was crazy. I felt bad for her real parents. They hadn’t seen her for 23 years. And what makes this even more sad is that this Lifetime movie was true. I couldn’t believe it. But then again, what movie on Lifetimeย isn’t real? I just don’t understand why people feel the need to kidnap children. It’s just unnecessary. How would they like it if their child was taken from them? It’s just wrong.

Anyways, I’m gonna go before I get all “preachy” about it. Plus I need to clean off my bed so I can go to sleep when I’m ready to. There’s a bunch of clothes on it from me washing my clothes. I’m just gonna have to stuff them in drawers and stuff for now. Well, I’ll see you all later. Happy blogging and have a nice day/night!!

*~*Your Chaosity Queen*~*

The Walking Dead and My Life 10.4.2012

For the past few days, I’ve been watching a guy I’ve subscribed to play The Walking Dead game. It looks really fun and I might just buy it and play it and hopefully make some good decisions. There were some scenes in the game where I pretty much wanted to cuss a character out or cry because of a character that either died or was sad with how their world turned upside down with the zombie apocalypse. I swear that game AND the show know how to seriously play with your emotions. It’s so addicting.

As for my life, well, I lost my job two Fridays ago because the business wasn’t doing well. I loved working there too ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Oh well. Now I have to go job hunting…yet AGAIN. It was hard enough the first time. Now it’ll probably take the same amount of forever to get a job like it did before I got my first job. It’s a shame that job only lasted a month. I might have to apply to Walmart or Target. Or even better, Hot Topic. Hot Topic is my sanctuary inside of my main sanctuary (the mall in case you haven’t noticed).

Oh and I’ve finally reached goddess status in Saints Row the Third. Oh my God that feels like perfection. I think that happened last Tuesday. That was the last time I played it I think. I’m gonna play that tonight because I really miss it. Like seriously. It’s too addicting to stop playing for more than a week and not feel withdrawal. So yeah, that’s my plans for tonight. And maybe try to watch some more Walking Dead before Season 3 comes out 10 days from now. It wouldn’t make sense to watch season 3 when I haven’t the slightest idea how season 2 ended. Or at least it doen’t make any sense to me. There may be different opinions on that.

I think that’s all I’m going to cover for now. My brother said he needs the computer for homework and I really don’t have much to say about anything else. But when I do, I’ll make sure to blog about it. Whether it be later on tonight when he’s done or tomorrow when something probably would most likely happen I’m mostly betting on tonight though. So see you later, blogging world.

Signing off,

*~*Your Chaosity Queen*~*