Tag Archives: chaosity queen

The Walking Dead and My Life 10.4.2012

For the past few days, I’ve been watching a guy I’ve subscribed to play The Walking Dead game. It looks really fun and I might just buy it and play it and hopefully make some good decisions. There were some scenes in the game where I pretty much wanted to cuss a character out or cry because of a character that either died or was sad with how their world turned upside down with the zombie apocalypse. I swear that game AND the show know how to seriously play with your emotions. It’s so addicting.

As for my life, well, I lost my job two Fridays ago because the business wasn’t doing well. I loved working there too 😦 Oh well. Now I have to go job hunting…yet AGAIN. It was hard enough the first time. Now it’ll probably take the same amount of forever to get a job like it did before I got my first job. It’s a shame that job only lasted a month. I might have to apply to Walmart or Target. Or even better, Hot Topic. Hot Topic is my sanctuary inside of my main sanctuary (the mall in case you haven’t noticed).

Oh and I’ve finally reached goddess status in Saints Row the Third. Oh my God that feels like perfection. I think that happened last Tuesday. That was the last time I played it I think. I’m gonna play that tonight because I really miss it. Like seriously. It’s too addicting to stop playing for more than a week and not feel withdrawal. So yeah, that’s my plans for tonight. And maybe try to watch some more Walking Dead before Season 3 comes out 10 days from now. It wouldn’t make sense to watch season 3 when I haven’t the slightest idea how season 2 ended. Or at least it doen’t make any sense to me. There may be different opinions on that.

I think that’s all I’m going to cover for now. My brother said he needs the computer for homework and I really don’t have much to say about anything else. But when I do, I’ll make sure to blog about it. Whether it be later on tonight when he’s done or tomorrow when something probably would most likely happen I’m mostly betting on tonight though. So see you later, blogging world.

Signing off,

*~*Your Chaosity Queen*~*